I'm trying to setup my production server to use faye messages using nodejs and HTTPS, but no luck.
What I have until now is:
A faye + nodejs server setup file:
var https = require('https');
var faye = require('faye');
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('/etc/httpd/ssl/example.com.key'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('/etc/httpd/ssl/example.com.crt'),
ca: fs.readFileSync('/etc/httpd/ssl/ca_bundle.crt')
var server = https.createServer(options);
var bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/faye', timeout: 60});
A rails helper to send messages:
def broadcast(channel, &block)
message = {:channel => channel, :data => capture(&block)}
uri = URI.parse(Rails.configuration.faye_url)
Net::HTTPS.post(uri, message.to_json)
A javascript function to open a listener:
function openListener(channel, callback){
var faye_client = new Faye.Client("<%= Rails.configuration.faye_url %>");
faye_client.subscribe(channel , callback);
return faye_client;
My faye url config in production.rb:
config.faye_url = "https://example.com:8000/faye"
And finally, a call in my page javascript:
fayeClient = openListener("my_channel" , function(data) {
//do something...
Everything was working when testing over http on development machine. But in production don't.
If I point browser to https://example.com:8000/faye.js I got the correct javascript file.
What could be happen?
The problem was with Apache server.
I had switch to nginx and now it´s working.
However, I need to make some configurations:
Faye + node.js setup file:
var http = require('http'),
faye = require('faye');
var server = http.createServer(),
bayeux = new faye.NodeAdapter({mount: '/faye', timeout: 60});
Rails helper:
def broadcast(channel, &block)
message = {:channel => channel, :data => capture(&block)}
uri = URI.parse(Rails.configuration.faye_url)
Net::HTTP.post_form(uri, :message => message.to_json)
Faye url:
And finally, nginx config
server {
# Listen on 80 and 443
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
server_name example.com;
passenger_enabled on;
root /home/rails/myapp/public;
ssl_certificate /home/rails/ssl/myapp.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /home/rails/ssl/myapp.key;
# Redirect all non-SSL traffic to SSL.
if ($ssl_protocol = "") {
rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? permanent;
location /faye {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
Short words: nginx convert https requests in /faye address, to http in port 8000. Use default http in server side, and https in client side.