In My application, I'm getting an XML Response
and I'm trying to convert that XML Response using XmlNode
My XML File : File
The XML Content will be like :
<account name="" id="876e6b55-5a9c-44ff-a418-af737c47d2af">
<a n="mobile">91 998977245009</a>
<a n="zimbraMailDeliveryAddress"></a>
<a n="zimbraPrefIMLogChats">TRUE</a>
<account name="" id="ce91d3bf-83b8-4a55-a92e-2e080fa4a21b">
<a n="zimbraMailDeliveryAddress"></a>
<a n="zimbraPrefShowSearchString">FALSE</a>
<a n="zimbraPrefIMLogChats">TRUE</a>
Here I'm showing two sample accounts from that XML Response and I need to loop through all the account nodes
and get the zimbraMailDeliveryAddress
which will be surely available in every node and also mobile
element value ('91 998977245009')
which may not be available in every node(i.e. the tag wont be available at all).
Is there a way to get these values?
I've tried using the XmlNamespaceManager
like this :
XmlNamespaceManager mgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
mgr.AddNamespace("bc", "urn:zimbraAdmin");
XmlNode result = doc.SelectSingleNode("//bc:account", mgr);
if (result != null)
Console.WriteLine("Found {0}.", result.InnerText);
// handle case that no element was found
Console.WriteLine("No element found.");
But by using this code, I'm getting only first account node
data and I'm unable to loop through all account nodes
Can anyone please help me?
I'd suggest ditching XmlDocument
and XPath and using LINQ to XML instead:
var doc = XDocument.Parse(xml);
XNamespace ns = "urn:zimbraAdmin";
foreach (var account in doc.Descendants(ns + "account"))
var mobile = (string)account.Elements(ns + "a")
.SingleOrDefault(e => (string)e.Attribute("n") == "mobile");
var address = (string)account.Elements(ns + "a")
.SingleOrDefault(e => (string)e.Attribute("n") == "zimbraMailDeliveryAddress");
See a working demo using your file here: