Ignoring usefulness of such practice. (Though real-life examples are welcome, of course.)
For example, the following program outputs the correct value for a
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 11111;
int i = 30;
int* pi = new (&i) int();
cout << a << " " << endl;
But isn't new-allocation supposed to create some bookkeeping information adjacent to i
(for correct subsequent deallocation), which in this case is supposed to corrupt the stack around i
Yes, it's perfectly OK to perform placement-new with a pointer to an object on the stack. It will just use that specific pointer to construct the object in. Placement-new isn't actually allocating any memory - you have already provided that part. It only does construction. The subsequent deletion won't actually be delete
- there is no placement delete
- since all you need to do is call the object's destructor. The actual memory is managed by something else - in this case your stack object.
For example, given this simple type:
struct A {
A(int i)
: i(i)
std::cout << "make an A\n";
~A() {
std::cout << "delete an A\n";
int i;
The following is completely reasonable, well-behaved code:
char buf[] = {'x', 'x', 'x', 'x', 0};
std::cout << buf << std::endl; // xxxx
auto a = new (buf) A{'a'}; // make an A
std::cout << a->i << std::endl; // 97
a->~A(); // delete an A
The only case where this would be invalid would be if your placement-new-ed object outlasts the memory you new-ed it on - for the same reason that returning a dangling pointer is always bad:
A* getAnA(int i) {
char buf[4];
return new (buf) A(5); // oops