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getting wrong center of frame for detail view for UISplitView

learning SWIFT. I can't seem to access bounds from my view... no matter what platform I work in the bounds return the same values (600,600).

I have a graphView : UIView & controller embedded in a navigationController as the Detail of a SplitViewController.

I am trying to get the center of my graphView : UIView on screen (the Detail of the splitViewController), but center keeps returning a point too far to the right (in portrait)/bottom (in landscape).

I tried accessing it multiple ways, but maybe my understanding of it is wrong?

example: var screenCenter: CGPoint = convertPoint( center, fromView: superview)

    println("bounds are  \(bounds)") // view boundaries
    println("frame is at \(frame)")  // frame where the view resides
    println(" center is at       \(center)")
    println(" ScreenCenter is at \(screenCenter)")


bounds are  (0.0,0.0,600.0,600.0)
frame is at (0.0,0.0,600.0,600.0)
 center is at       (300.0,300.0)
 ScreenCenter is at (300.0,300.0)

-> how do I actually get to the center? Is SplitView geography joint master + detail?

-> it seem the x positioning is correct in portrait (but not the y), and the y is correct in portrait (but not the x)


  • SOLVED! the graphView in Storyboard was missing constraints and using the default 600,600 values. "Reset to Suggested Constraints" in storyboard with the view selected fixed the issue