I am learning OO SOLID principles and design patterns and I want to do some practice on it. So I get the one problem from my ongoing project and try to design it. Please check whether it is implemented correctly or it's over-engineered or I implement it poorly. Your response is most important.
Problem I have to manage sms and email campaigns in one system. I meant to say storing it in database and retrieving it etc.
So I think there will be something specific to the Campaign like created date status etc. Thus I have made the class named campaignmodel which is responsible for some common functions related to campaign
Class CampaignModel
public function save($data)
// add campaign specific data
// save the campaign.
public function get()
// select the row from database and return it.
then I make smscampaign and email campaign
class SMSCampaignModel extends CampaignModel
public function save($data)
// add sms specific data and
public function gets()
//fire the query to get the sms campaigns and returns it.
class EmailCampaignModel extends CampaignModel
public function save($data)
// add email specific data
public function gets()
//fire the query to get the email campaigns and returns it.
Now every campaign will have recipients and we have to store each recipient's status like he opens mail or mail/sms sent or failed etc. I think we will send the campaigns with many emails or numbers so I decided to create different database table for storing such details such as sms_campaign_log, email_campaign_log etc. I have created the interface for it
interface CampaignLogs
function insert_log();
function get_details();
class SmsCampaignLogs implements CampaignLogs
public function insert_log($data)
// get the number and status save it into the sms logs table.
public function get_details($campagin_id)
// get the logs from campagin table and return it.
class EmailCampaignLogs implements CampaignLogs
public function insert_log($data)
// get the number and status save it into the email logs table.
public function get_details($campagin_id)
// get the logs from campagin table and return it.
and lastly I think now I should use strategy pattern to implement it(I don't know whether it is correct or not).
class Campaign
private $log;
private $campaign_type;
public function __construct($campaign, $logger)
$this->campaign_type = $campaign;
$this->log = $logger;
public function save($data)
public function gets()
public function log($data)
public function get_campaign_details($campaign_id)
now Implementation code.
$campaign = new SmCampaignModel();
$logger = new SmsCampaignLogs();
$c = new Campaign($campagin,$logger);
Then I think if strategy pattern needed. Simply, I can implement:
$campaign = new SmCampaignModel();
$logger = new SmsCampaignLogs();
So I am now totally confused. I want your opinion on whether I applied SOLID principles correctly in my design (and strategy pattern is needed/used properly) or not.
In this case your Campaign class is only a Facade. No Strategy is in use.
You are actually using the Facades pattern and not the Strategy. Your Campaign class doesn't have a behavior of it own. It merely delegates its behavior to subsystem components. It is not a bad thing, but it makes your code somehow harder to maintain. It is fine in terms of information hiding.
There is not right or wrong in the aspect of OOD. Design patterns are not must to be included if no reason is presented. You should ask yourself: "What is my main problem, and does this solve it?". "Will there be a reason to the code to be changed often?".
Because we are all sometimes tempted to overuse design patterns, I would like to show you how making a simple OO relationship will do just fine, and will even be easier to read and maintain.
abstract class Campaign {
protected $ages;
protected $countries;
protected $dailyBudget;
protected $recipientsStatus = array(); // associative array or a composition of Recipients object
public function startCampaign()
// check there is not another run
abstract protected function executeCampaign();
abstract protected function collectRecipientsStatus();
abstract protected function generateStatistics();
class EmailCampaign extends Campaign {
protected $addresses;
protected function executeCampaign()
protected function filterEmailsByCampaignData()
// populate $this->addresses based on ages, countries etc.
protected function sendEmails()
// send email to addresses
protected function collectRecipientsStatus()
// collect status and fill parent $recipientsStatus
protected function generateStatistics()
// generate statistics
Campaign now is a class with data and behavior. We don't have to decouple it into components like Model and Logs. This will work just fine. However, if you ever find yourself with a bit more complicated Recipients array (too many key values or dimensional array code smells), then you might decouple it into another set of classes. But this should happen with evolution of the code. We simply cannot foresee everything in advance.
By the way, the only pattern I used is the lightweight Template Method, and inheritance feature of OOP.