I want to perform a POST operation using FakeRequest + Specs2.
So far I have been able to write code for making a get request
class ItemsSpec extends PlaySpecification {
"Items controller" should {
"list items" in new WithApplication {
route(FakeRequest(controllers.routes.Items.list())) match {
case Some(response) => status(response) must equalTo (OK) contentAsJson(response) must equalTo (Json.arr())
case None => failure
Some of the difficulties which I am facing are
use the reverse looking when doing post on the controller rather than hardcode the operation and path.
Send json body as part of request
parse the results and check if certain properties of the returned object match.
I did some googling and found this
in the last example, it seems to be doing a POST. but the path is hardcoded and I don't understand what is essential action.
is there a simple way in which I can write a test case for my Web Service which requires a POST?
Something like this should work
val Some(result) = route(FakeRequest(POST, controllers.routes.MyClassName.myMethod().url)
.withJsonBody(Json.obj("key" -> 1234567)
Then check the results as normal. eg.
status(result) must equalTo(OK)
Edit - To read the body, assuming its Json, use this
val js = contentAsJson(result)
val fieldXyz = (js \ "fieldXyz").as[String]
If you're just reading the body as a string, use this
val resultString = contentAsString(result)