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Requirejs: Load Dependancies only when needed

The dependancies defined in define block of app.js get loaded.

What I want to do is:

If I am going to load Dashboard controller it requires charts related dependancy,and any other controller never needs this dependancy.

Problem: When App loads, all dependancies getting loaded, that I don't want.

Note: Dependancies loaded means js files loaded.


baseUrl: "http://localhost/ums/angular/js",
    paths: {
        'angular': 'lib/angular.min',
        'ngRoute': 'lib/angular-route.min',
        'flash': 'lib/angular-flash',
        'angular-loading-bar': 'lib/loading-bar.min',
        'ngAnimate': 'lib/angular-animate.min',
        'ui.bootstrap': 'lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.0',
        'uniqueField': 'admin/directives/angular-unique',
        'input_match': 'admin/directives/angular-input-match',
        'uniqueEdit': 'admin/directives/angular-unique-edit',
        'angularAMD': 'lib/angularAMD.min',
        'app': 'admin/app',
    waitSeconds: 0,
     shim: { 
     'angular': { exports: 'angular'},
    'angularAMD': { deps: ['angular']},
     'googlechart': { deps: ['angular']},
    'ngRoute':{ deps: ['angular']},
    'angular-loading-bar':{ deps:['angular'] },
    'ngAnimate': { deps:['angular'] } ,
    'ui.bootstrap': {deps: ['angular'] },
    'uniqueField': {deps: ['angular'] },
    'input_match': {deps: ['angular'] },
    'uniqueEdit': {deps: ['angular'] },
    'flash': {deps: ['angular'] },
    deps: ['app']


var base_url="http://localhost/ums/";
define(['angularAMD', 'ngRoute','flash','angular-loading-bar','ngAnimate','ui.bootstrap','uniqueField','input_match',  'googlechart'  ], function (angularAMD) {
var app = angular.module('angularapp', ['ngRoute','flash','angular-loading-bar','ngAnimate','ui.bootstrap','uniqueField','input_match' ,  'googlechart'  ]);  
app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){
/* *************** routes *************** */

Example controller:

define(['app'], function (app) {
    app.controller('dashboardCtrl', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http){
    //I am able to use any of the dependancy here, (I don't need that all dependancies here )
    //only need charts




  • In your case, all the dependencies are getting loaded at the time of module creation. If you want to load it at the time of controller, keep it in the controller and remove from the module definition. See example below

    In your controller

    define(['app','googlechart'], function (app) {//charts dependencies
      app.controller('dashboardCtrl', ['$scope','$http', function($scope,$http){
       //I am able to use any of the dependancy here, (I don't need that all dependancies here )
      //only need charts

    Remove it from the module definition app.js

     var base_url="http://localhost/ums/";
    //remove it from the module definition
    define(['angularAMD', 'ngRoute','flash','angular-loading-bar','ngAnimate','ui.bootstrap','uniqueField','input_match' ], function (angularAMD) {
    var app = angular.module('angularapp', ['ngRoute','flash','angular-loading-bar','ngAnimate','ui.bootstrap','uniqueField','input_match' ]);  
    app.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider){
    /* *************** routes *************** */