I understood how to create a menu from the child elements of a specific page (e.g. id=5) like this:
$pages = \Ip\Menu\Helper::getChildItems($pageId = 5);
echo ipSlot('menu', $pages);
Works so far. Just the formatting is due to the lack of Bootstrap classes enhancable.
But how can I add custom classes to the ul of this menu? Normally I do this like this:
$options = array(
'items' => 'menu2',
'attributes' => array('class' => 'nav nav-stacked')
echo ipSlot('menu', $options);
But how can I combine these two methods?
All in formation is in documentation - https://www.impresspages.org/docs/navigation ("ADD CUSTOM MENU ITEMS").
variable supports menu objects, too.
In your case the final solution should look like this:
$pages = \Ip\Menu\Helper::getChildItems($pageId = 5);
$options = array(
'items' => $pages,
'attributes' => array('class' => 'nav nav-stacked')
echo ipSlot('menu', $options);