Search code examples

Meteor subscription _id through array

I am making a list right now.

Users will be able to search and then click on the searched item to add the corresponding id to the their list.

This is the following code I have written.

'click .addToList': function (event, template) {

    // _id of the List
    var listId = Template.parentData(1)._id;

    // _id of the searched item
    var companyId = this._id;
    console.log(companyId);'addToList', listId, companyId, function (error, result) {
     if (error) {

     } else {



  addToList: function (listId, companyId) {
    check(listId, String);
    check(companyId, String);

    var add = Lists.update({
      _id: listId,
      companies: {$ne: companyId}
    }, {
      $addToSet: {companies: companyId},
      $inc: {companyCount: 1}

    return add;

Object of List

list = {
  _id: listId,
  name: nameOfList
  companies: [
    // _ids of added companies
    0: 'addedCompanyId',
    1: 'someOtherAddedCompanyId',
    and so forth...

From here, I am trying to make a sub/pub that shows ONLY the companies that are added in list.companies.

I have no idea on how..

I am thinking of something like this.

<template name = "list">
  {{#each addedCompanies}}
    something here

  addedCompanies: function () {
   companies = this.companies;
   return Clients.find(/*something here*/);

Everything I've written works so far. But I am lost in returning a cursor from an array of _ids.


Simply put, can I return a cursor from multiple _ids as query??


  • Yes, you can return a cursor from a list of ids. You can even return a cursor on any valid query.

    Meteor.publish('clientsFromCompanyIds', function(companyIds) {
      return Clients.find({companyId: {$in: companyIds}});

    Is that what you were looking for?