Using the css, the js, and the html right out of the box, I'm very pleased with the way Magnific Popup works. The initial size of the modal (roughly 900 X 500px) is fine at full screen but on reduced screens, the responsive behaviour of this plug brings the modal height down far too much and forces a visitor to scroll like the dickens.
I would like to keep all settings except that I'd like to have a taller popup when the screen is, say, less than 600px wide.
I've tried the suggestions at jQuery magnific-popup : open 2 popup iframe with differents width/height, but adding the markup to my initialization js simply breaks the script.
I know very little about javascript, so I appreciate any suggestions.
You can do this in CSS using a media query. (
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.mfp-content {
height: 600px; // or whatever
I'm not 100% sure which mfp class you will want to edit, but if you can play around with it and find out. I would recommend using Chrome's device simulator for testing mobile screens.