I'm trying to use Python mock library to mock few methods for zipfile module.
Example Source which I want to test:
def zipStuff(listOfPathToFiles):
with ZipFile(fName, 'w') as archive:
for each in listOfPathToFiles:
archive.write(each, strippedfName)
return archive
The "archive" above will be ignored for normal execution, but will be list of files during tests.
Example unittest code:
def mockWrite(fName):
mockZip.__enter__ = Mock(return_value=emptyList)
mockZip.__exit__ = Mock(return_value=True)
Now, I want to mock archive.write so that instead of actual write call, it is replaced by mockWrite function so I can get a list of all files that were supposed to be zipped.
I've tried:
mockZip.write = Mock(side_effect=mockWrite)
but this wasn't being called. Debugging shows the function is calling mockZip.enter().write. If I try:
mockZip.__enter__().write = Mock(side_effect=mockWrite)
Python issues error that 'list' has no attribute write (which is correct). I'm new to Mock and Python and would really appreciate any pointers. Suggestions?
Instead of having mockZip.__enter__
return an empty list, have it return an object like the following:
class MockZipFile:
def __init__(self):
self.files = []
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.files)
def write(self, fname):
You can add methods and implementations as needed to suit your mocking needs.