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How to set couchbase operation timeout in spring data couchbase?

I have a simple spring project which try to retrieve a document from couchbase using spring-data-couchbase. I have configured the config by extending AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration. Everything works perfectly fine.

Since I use couchbase as a cache, now I need to set the operation timeout to a lower value. Anybody can shed some light on how to do it?


  • To define a timeout for the CouchbaseClient you have to provide it using the ConnectionFactory. Sadly, the current version of spring-data-couchbase doesn't provide a simple way to do that.

    The class responsible to create connection factories is ConnectionFactoryBean, and it has a setter for the operations timeout, but I couldn't find anything for @Configuration classes.

    Since you are extending AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration, you might want to override couchbaseClient():

    public class MyCouchbaseConfiguration extends AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration {
         private final CouchbaseConnectionFactoryBuilder builder = new CouchbaseConnectionFactoryBuilder();
         private CouchbaseConnectionFactory connectionFactory;
         @Bean(destroyMethod = "shutdown")
         public CouchbaseClient couchbaseClient() throws Exception {
               if(connectionFactory == null){
                   // Set another parameters.
                   connectionFactory = builder.buildCouchbaseConnection(
               return new CouchbaseClient(connectionFactory);

    Also, you can call directly CouchbaseFactoryBean but it's not a good practice if you are not configuring your application using XML bean definitions.

    Here is the XML configuration just in case:

    <bean id="couchbase" class="">
        <property name="opTimeout" value="1000"/> <!-- 1 sec -->
        <property name="bucket" value="myBucket"/>
        <property name="password" value="myPassword"/>
        <property name="host" value="myHost"/>
    <couchbase:template id="couchbaseTemplate"/>