I have a data base and create more stored procedure it,now i want use currently created stored procedures in code smith and create template from it. What to do?
For example for use from table in code generator write the follow property :
<%@ Property Name="SourceTables" Category="Database" Optional="True" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchemaCollection"
Description="The database tables" %>
How to Write for stored procedures ????
<%@ Property ..... Type="**SchemaExplorer.???**" ...
I work for CodeSmith Tools and there is already a template that does what you want to create stored procedures. It can be found in the Database/StoredProcedures folder. The source can also be found online here.
If you wish to interact with a stored procedure via a property you can do this via the CommandSchema type.
<%@ Property Name="SourceCommands" Category="Database" Optional="True" Type="SchemaExplorer.CommandSchemaCollection"
Description="The database stored procedures" %>