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Full window ui-view of openlayers map

I have an angularjs app with Angular Material made with the yeoman fullstack generator. My index.html has a navbar and a ui-view to show the sites content.

<!-- index.html --!>
<!-- Add your site or application content here -->
<div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
<div ui-view></div>

The main.html page loads: <div ng-include="'app/map/map.html'"></div> openlayers map that I want to fill the window but it will not. The height is not always stagnate. There is also a direct route for the map.

Setting ui-view's height to 100% doesn't work and it is not exactly what I need any way. While the map should be at 100% there are other things that load in ui-view should not. Please help me get this map to fill the window.

The map.html loads the open layers directive found here. I tried to use flex from angular material with no success either. There is obviously a way to do thais I am just new and have added height and/or flex tags to just about everything I could find in the DOM with no success.


  • I have a full height openlayers map in a ui-view using angular material with a toolbar similar to what you need:

    Be sure you have body and html set to height: 100%;

    <div layout="column" style="height: 100%">
        <div ng-include="'components/navbar/navbar.html'"></div>
        <ui-view flex style="position:relative;"></ui-view>

    Inside the ui-view have something like (or you can wrap your openlayers map into another element):

    <openlayers style="position: absolute" width="100%" height="100%">        

    The trick is to use position: absolute on the [flex] children.


    I forgot that the div with layout has to be full height as well.
