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Cannot set iOS Status Bar Colour for View

I am developing an app for iOS8, using Swift 1.2.

However, I am having an issue with the colour of the status bar (the one with the time, battery indicator etc).

In my Info.plist file, I have UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance set to YES as well as Status bar style set to UIStatusBarStyleLightContent and then in all my view controllers in the Storyboard, I have the status bar set to "Light Content".

enter image description here

This works for all of my NavigationViewControllers and views embedded within NavigationViewControllers, however I have one normal TableViewController which is not embedded in a NavigationController, and when I push this view modally, the status bar changes to BLACK!???

Even when I look at the view in the Storyboard editor it shows as a white status bar (note the faint white battery indicator at the right of the below screenshot):

enter image description here

But when I build and run on my iPhone, the status bar shows as black...

Why is this? How can I fix this? I don't know what could be incorrect.



    I found the solution to this was very easy, from another StackOverflow article (Swift UIApplication.setStatusBarStyle Doesn't work).

    For anyone else wanting to set the status bar colour programmatically, I just inserted the following code into my ViewController for the view in question:

    - Swift 4.0+

    override var preferredStatusBarStyle: UIStatusBarStyle {
        return .lightContent        

    - Earlier Swifts (4.0-)

    override func preferredStatusBarStyle() -> UIStatusBarStyle {
        return .LightContent        