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Genymotion and Android Wear emulator try to connect all the time

I have a problem pairing Genymotion and Android Wear emulator. I followed this tutorial:

  1. Install Android Wear emulator (api 22) and Genymotion (api 19).
  2. Install Android Wear and Android Wear Preview on Genymotion.
  3. adb -s [dev name] forward tcp:5601 tcp:5601
  4. Open Android Wear Preview and try to connect, but the application is disconnecting all the time and trying again, like this post.
  5. Open another instance of Android Wear, the same happens.
  6. Download the new Genymotion emulator api 22, the same happens.

What could be the problem?


  • I've spent like 3 hours trying to solve this issue and finally I managed to connect the Android Wear emulator with a Genymotion Google Nexus 4, 5.0.0 API 21 using Android Wear, as suggested in the post you're referring, though I had to download the apk on my computer from here and then drag and drop on the emulator, because Google Services says any Genymotion emulator to be not compatible with Android Wear when trying to install it.

    So in the end it's working correctly, but I don't know the reason of Android Wear Preview's malfunctionning, Aaron D. Sorry.