I want to use VIPS to append a directory of many smaller images in to one massive image. The node module "sharp" uses libvips. Is there any way to use sharp to append 2 images together? VIPS has a "LRJOIN" function but I don't see a sharp implementation of it.
I really just to know the fastest possible way to have VIPS append a directory of images to one big TIFF. The image is too big to use ImageMagick etc. because of memory issues.
I used ruby-vips to join the images and call the VIPS command line tool to generate the DZI.
require 'rubygems'
require 'vips'
a = VIPS::Image.new(ARGV[1])
ARGV[2..-1].each {|name| a = a.tbjoin(VIPS::Image.tiff(name, :compression => :deflated))}
a.write("output.tiff", :compression => :deflated)
system("vips dzsave output.tiff '#{ARGV[0]}'/output_dz.zip --overlap=0 --suffix=.jpg")
I found the code on a ruby-sharp github issue and modified it a bit. The results (just the joining part) for 550 4096x256 images:
real 0m17.283s
user 0m47.045s
sys 0m2.139s
If Ruby or Python are OK, you could try them. For example:
import sys
from gi.repository import Vips
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print("usage: join outfile in1 in2 in3 ...")
def imopen(filename):
return Vips.Image.new_from_file(filename,
acc = imopen(sys.argv[2])
for infile in sys.argv[3:]:
acc = acc.join(imopen(infile), Vips.Direction.HORIZONTAL,
align = "centre",
expand = True,
shim = 50,
background = 255)
Joining 100 2000x2500 rgb tif images needs 1gb of memory and 30s or so on this desktop:
$ time ../join.py x.tif *.tif
real 0m36.255s
user 0m8.344s
sys 0m3.396s
$ vipsheader x.tif
x.tif: 204950x2500 uchar, 3 bands, srgb, tiffload
Most of the time is obviously spent in disc IO.