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Wrong Python version when using Virtualenv in PythonAnywhere

In order to use Python 3.3 & Django 1.8, I'm using Virtualenv (for a web app in PythonAnywhere)

I followed the following instructions:

Going into the console, it shows that I'm using version 3.3:

(django18)12:04 ~ $ python
Python 3.3.6 (default, Jan 28 2015, 17:27:09) 
[GCC 4.8.2] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Which is also the version I specified I want to use in my web app:

Python version:3.3 (in the code pane)

However, when I point in the Virtualenv pane to the Virtualenv directory (named django18), I get the following warning:

This virtualenv seems to have the wrong Python version (2.7 instead of 3.3).

Here is all of the console (I've run it after creating the application and specifying the Python version):

        06:43 ~ $ mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.3 django18
Running virtualenv with interpreter /usr/bin/python3.3
Using base prefix '/usr'
New python executable in django18/bin/python3.3
Not overwriting existing python script django18/bin/python (you must use django18/b
Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...done.
(django18)06:44 ~ $ which pip
(django18)06:44 ~ $ pip install django
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): django in ./.virtualenvs/
(django18)06:44 ~ $ which
(django18)06:44 ~ $ --version
(django18)06:44 ~ $ startproject mysite
CommandError: '/home/yschellekens/mysite' already exists

Also see:

08:29 ~/.virtualenvs/django18/bin $ ls
__pycache__   pip           postdeactivate  python3
activate          django-admin.pyc  pip2          preactivate     python3.3
activate.csh      easy_install      pip2.7        predeactivate   wheel     easy_install-2.7  pip3          python  easy_install-3.3  pip3.3        python2
django-admin      get_env_details   postactivate  python2.7
08:29 ~/.virtualenvs/django18/bin $

Where else should I point to Python 3.3?


  • It looks to me like your virtualenv has somehow got both version 2.7 and version 3.3 of Python in it. Try deleting it and re-creating it:

    rmvirtualenv django18
    mkvirtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.3 django18
    pip install django # reinstall django and any other packages you need.

    Why not use Python 3.4 by the way?