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Unit testing an EJB with Mockito, TestNG and OpenEJB

I have the following EJB's:

public interface PersonService {
    long countPersons();

public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService {

    private RemotePersonService remotePersonService;

    public long countPersons() {
         return remotePersonService.getAllPersons().size();

public interface RemotePersonService {
    List<Person> getAllPersons();


public class RemotePersonServiceImpl {
    public List<Person> getAllPersons() {
        // Here, I normally call a remote webservice, but this is for the purpose of this question
        List<Person> results = new ArrayList<Person>();
        results.add(new Person("John"));
        return results;

And here are my tests

public abstract class AbstractTest {

    private InitialContext context;

    @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true)
    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        System.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory");

        Properties properties = new Properties();

        context = new InitialContext(properties);
        context.bind("inject", this);


    @AfterClass(alwaysRun = true)
    public void tearDown() throws Exception {
        if (context != null) {

public class PersonServiceTest extends AbstractTest {

    private PersonService personService;

    public void testPersonService() {
        long count = personService.countPersons();

        Assert.assertEquals(count, 1l);

Now, want I want to do is replace the RemotePersonService implementation in by a mock using Mockito, and still have the same call in my testPersonService method.

I tried that:

public class PersonServiceTest extends AbstractTest {

    private RemotePersonService remotePersonService;

    private PersonService personService;

    @BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
    public void setUpMocks() {

        List<Person> customResults = new ArrayList<Person>();
        customResults.add(new Person("Alice"));
        customResults.add(new Person("Bob"));


    public void testPersonService() {
        long count = personService.countPersons();

        Assert.assertEquals(count, 2l);

But this doesn't work. The @Mock RemotePersonService is not injected in the PersonService, and the true EJB is still used.

How can I make this work ?


  • Don't use annotations for your tests. Have a constructor that will wire in all your dependencies.

    public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService {
        private RemotePersonService remotePersonService;
        // Let your test instantiate a mock service and wire it into your test instance using this constructor.
        public PersonServiceImpl(RemotePersonService rps) {
            this.remotePersonService = rps;
        public long countPersons() {
             return remotePersonService.getAllPersons().size();

    Create mocks and pass them to it. Your test might look like this:

    public class PersonServiceTest extends AbstractTest {
        public void testPersonService() {
            RemotePersonService mockRemotePersonService = Mockito.mock(RemotePersonService.class);
            List<Person> customResults = new ArrayList<Person>();
            customResults.add(new Person("Alice"));
            customResults.add(new Person("Bob"));
            PersonService personService = new PersonServiceImpl(mockRemotePersonService);
            long count = personService.countPersons();    
            Assert.assertEquals(count, 2l);