How is it possible to setup a subdomain in Plesk to redirect the Request to a container on the system but with a different port. Example:
JBoss is running on port 8070 and shows the application. Now I want to add a subdomain to which points to I don't need just a redirect. I need a reverse proxy like nginx...but I don't know the right solution. Any suggestions?
I'm going to answer the question by myself ;)
At first you have to install mod_proxy for the Apache Web Server under "Server" - "Tools and Settings" -> "General Settings" -> "Apache Web Server". Activate "proxy" and "proxy_http".
Second go to your subdomains "Web Server Settings" and fill in the following lines under "Additional directives for HTTP" (assuming that your Docker image runs on port 8070):
ProxyPass / http://localhost:8070/ ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8070/