I want to solve the following in a least-squares sense:
H = dot(A, B) + dot(A.conj(), C)
where the complex matrices H
, B
and C
are known. The remaining complex matrix A
(with its complex conjugate) is being searched.
I tried computing it with the (Python) numpy function:
x, res, r, singval = np.linalg.lstsq(np.vstack((B, C)), H)
However the results are not in a shape that I want( --> array((A, A.conj())
How can I solve this?
The easiest way I found is separating the value of A
into real and imaginary part:
A = U + 1j*V
H = dot(U, B+C) + 1j*dot(V, B-C)
and with the use of scipy.optimize.lstsqr
, the model is defined as:
def model(B, C, UV):
U = UV[:len(UV)//2]
V = UV[len(UV)//2:]
H = np.dot(U, B+C) + 1j*np.dot(V, B+C)
return H.view(float)
and the residuals as:
def residuals(params, B, C, H):
UV = params
diff = model(B, C, UV) - H.view(float)
return diff.flatten()
and the result is obtained as follows:
params, cov = optimize.leastsq(residuals, x0 = np.ones(len(UV), dtype = float),
args=(B, C, H))