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How to get gulp-vulcanize to ignore

One of my .html files imports /, I want to vulcanize this file but ignore the script tag that imports

I wrote the following gulp task:

// vulcanize HTML files
var vulcanizeHtmlSrc = 'views/**/*.html',
    vulcanizeHtmlDst = 'build/views';
gulp.task('vulcanize', function() {
        excludes: ['//*', '/'],
        stripExcludes: false

I still get the following error:

ERROR finding /

What am I doing wrong?


  • // vulcanize HTML files
    var vulcanizeHtmlSrc = 'views/**/*.html',
    vulcanizeHtmlDst = 'build/views';
    gulp.task('vulcanize', function() {
            excludes: ['//*',
            stripExcludes: false,
            inlineScripts: true,
            inlineCss: true,
            implicitStrip: true,
            stripComments: true
        // pipe to injectString to add script tags that cause an issue with vulcanize
        // e.g. <script src="/">
        // Error caused if the script is added in index.html itself
        // ERROR finding /
        .pipe(injectString.before('<script class="">', '<script src="/"></script>\n'))

    Just add a class to the script tag that requires and insert using the gulp-inject-string module after vulcanize. This is a bit hacky. Either way vulcanize still causes a lot of errors and I recommend people eschew Polymer (if the app being developed is up for production) until it is fully stable and has better documentation.