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Filter by attribute in Rails by using Filterific gem

I have User model which has role (String) attribute. I want to filter my Users by this role attribute.

For filtering I'm using filterific gem. Here is my index action:

 def index
    @filterrific = initialize_filterrific(
        select_options: {
            with_role: User.options_for_select

    ) or return
    @users =[:page])

where options_for_select method is defined:

# user.rb
def self.options_for_select
    order('LOWER(role)').map { |e| [e.role,] }

and in my view:

      { include_blank: '- Any -' }
) %>

and I have a scope in my user.rb:

scope :with_role, lambda { |roles|
        where(role: [*roles])

I have only five roles, but in my select each role appears many times, so I don't know how to return unique roles in options_for_select method.

Secondly, options_for_select returns id's of user as a value in each option tag, but I want it to return role itself.


  • You define options_for_select on the User model. So it pulls in every user record in your database and its associated role entry, along with the user id.

    Try the following instead of User.options_for_select in the controller:

    select_options: {
      with_role: ['Role1', 'Role2', 'Role3']