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How to name each variable using melt

I have a matrix that I want to reform for plotting in ggplo2 using the melt function from reshape2 but cannot find a way to add custom header names.

#Create toy data
MyData <- matrix(rnorm(15,500), nrow = 5, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(

Dat2 <- melt(MyData, = "Count")

#Reform data using melt, define Count as value name
MyData2 <- melt(MyData, = "Count")

This gets me what I want but then operations that follow have to refer to the Var1 and Var2.

I tried naming them explicitly using

MyData2 <- melt(MyData, = "Count", = c("AgeGroup", "Geo"))

I can of course name them after the fact using colnames() but would like to do it using melt. Is this possible? Do I need to back up?


  • Use varnames argument:

    melt(MyData, = "Count", varnames=c('AgeGroup', 'Geo'))
       AgeGroup   Geo    Count
    1   Unknown Area1 501.6685
    2       0-4 Area1 499.2812
    3       4-9 Area1 500.3892
    4     10-14 Area1 498.6380
    5     15-19 Area1 500.5904
    6   Unknown Area2 499.4590
    7       0-4 Area2 500.5464
    8       4-9 Area2 500.5635
    9     10-14 Area2 500.7211
    10    15-19 Area2 500.8381
    11  Unknown Area3 498.8154
    12      0-4 Area3 499.1818
    13      4-9 Area3 499.6678
    14    10-14 Area3 499.3586
    15    15-19 Area3 500.3962

    Your MyData is a matrix (so uses melt.array which uses varnames) not a dataframe ( uses ?melt.array.