May I define (or calculate) the difference between DBPedia and Wikipedia data concerning, for example, Ecuadorian People?
Does DBpedia contain the same Ecuadorian People existing in Wikipedia? If not - what is the difference (e.g. how to extract all Ecuadorian People from Wikipedia)?
I could run SPARQL to calculate the number of Ecuadorian People from DBPedia but do not know how to do it for Wikipedia(what approach?)
Wikipedia (specifically, mostly its infoboxes) is the source for the data in DBpedia. And that applies to each specific piece of information too. For example, take the first person on Wikipedia's List of Ecuadorians, Abdón Ubidia (Wikipedia, DBpedia):
is Quito
and Ecuador
, because Wikipedia says that he was Born in Quito, Ecuadornationality
is Ecuadorian, because Wikipedia says that his Nationality is EcuadorBut Wikipedia is not completely consistent. If you take the following lists from Wikipedia:
then it's very likely you will get 4 different lists of people.