I am first time working with ASP components.. I created 2 files.. 1 txt which has following code:
REDIRECT redir.asp width 420 height 50 border 0 * homeloan.gif http://www.paisavasoolbank.com All Kinds of Home Loans 70 hawai.gif http://www.hotelhawai.com Visit Hotel Hawai 30
and the second ASP file with following code:
Set myad= Server.CreateObject("MSWC.AdRotator")
Execution of ASP file resulted in following error:
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 800401f3' Server.CreateObject Failed /MyWeb/choicenext.asp, line 7 800401f3
I have no idea what is this as am new to this concept.
I assume is a DLL. You have to register this as a COM object before you can use it. There are different ways to register these depending on whether you are using 32 or 64 bit and your version of IIS but generally your options can be broken down to:
C or C++ or other binaries use regsvr32
For .NET framework DLLs you have to register them using Regasm found in the framework folder
To be honest, whenever I was in doubt when I worked with these, I just tried all four of the above until one of them worked, this is admittedly not the best practice.
Here is another issue that better explains when to use regsvr32 vs regasm. What is difference between RegAsm.exe and regsvr32? How to generate a tlb file using regsvr32?