Here is the code that I am working with:
## Round 1
b <- c(5000,2500)
r <- c(2,2.1)
pm <- c(200,240)
I <- b*(r/1200)
pi <- pm-I
end <- b-pi
## Round 2
b1 <- end
r1 <- (2.3,2.3)
I1 <- b1*(r/1200)
pi1 <- pm-I1
end1 <- b1-pi1
This produces the proper output, which is shown below in the post. But, you can see how this might get annoying for about 30 rounds so I thought that I would be able to use a *sapply function. So I attempted to do:
r2<- matrix(c(2,2.1,2.3,2.3),nrow=2)
I2 <- sapply(b, function (x)
pi2 <- sapply(I, function (l)
pm-l )
end2 <- b-pi2
Which gives:
[1,] 4808.333 4804.375
[2,] 2268.333 2264.375
This did not produce the desired output which is:
[1,] 4808.333 4616.347
[2,] 2264.375 2028.338
How exactly would I go about doing this because the "end" variables need the updated "b" value as shown in the starred part of the code below.
**b1 <- end**
r1 <- 2.3
I1 <- b1*(r/1200)
pi1 <- pm-I1
end1 <- b1-pi1
Thank you for your time.
Pierre gives an answer below, but I have another question which is how would I do this process "n" number of times. Pierre's answer works for this specific question. But, I am trying to make this work when "r" and "r1" are joint in a matrix like
rate <- rbind(r,r1)
And then use an sapply function kind of like:
t(sapply(b, function(x) {b <- b - (pm - b*(rate/1200));b}))
Any suggestions?
This is a situation where for loops shine:
rlist <- list(r, r1)
x <- vector("list", 2)
for(i in 1:2) {b <- b - (pm - b*(rlist[[i]]/1200)); x[[i]] <- b}
`names<-`(, c('x', 'y'))
# x y
#1 4808.333 4617.549
#2 2264.375 2028.715