I have a model "Student" and every student has_many parents (a mother and a father in the parents table). In my UI I want to be able to add the parents and the student on the same page. So when I click on "Add student" the view 'students/new' is rendered. In this view I have the regular stuff for adding a student (<% form_for @student....
) so far so good. But now I also want to provide the form for adding a mother and a father for this student on the same page. I know I could place a link to 'parents/new' somewhere but that is not really user-friendly in my opinion.
What are my options and what would you recommend?
Your best bet would be using nested_forms
with accepts_nested_attributes_for
like below
Class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :parents
accepts_nested_attributes_for :parents
def new
@student = Student.new
def create
@student = Student.new(student_params)
if @student.save
redirect_to @student
render 'new'
def student_params
params.require(:student).permit(:id, :student_attr_1, :student_attrr_2, parents_attributes: [:id, :father, :mother])
<%= form_for @student do |f| %>
---student code here ---
<%= f.fields_for :parents do |p| %>
<%= p.label :father, :class => "control-label" %>
<%= p.text_field :father %>
<%= p.label :fmother, :class => "control-label" %>
<%= p.text_field :mother %>
<% end %>