i am developing an application in palm webOS. In that application i have to use the MailService to send mail directly without opening any of the email or compose scenes. For that i have to pass params. But i don't know how to pass the params and what params i have to pass to tha MailService.
params.to ="[email protected]";
params.subject = "subj";
params.msg = "message";
this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.mail.MailService', {
method: 'messageSend',
parameters: params,
onSuccess: this.messageSentCallback,
onError: this.messageErrorCallback
But i am getting error of " Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'to' of undefined," can you help me to resolve this problem please.
ThanQ for all.
This looks like a basic Javascript error. Did you put a line like "var params = {};" first to declare the params variable as an empty object?
Do note -- sending email using the service requires that your app access the private system bus as a com.palm.* application. This means you won't be able to distribute via the App Catalog.