i am trying to upgrade a program from Delphi7 to DelphiXE8.
In the programm there are some TEdit fields. You could input data in that fields via keyboard or a usb scanner. The usb scanner emulates a keyboard and works fine in all other programs. (Same program in Delphi7, Firefox, Editor, etc.......)
If I use the scanner in Delphi XE8 the TEdit field doesn't get correct data. If I trigger a KeyDown event I see that there are many Key 16/17/18 coming in but KeyChar is always #0.
Same Problem with TMemo.
I just tried something different:
In a VCL project the scanner works fine. In a FMX project the scanner fails.
The scanner is a Birch BF-481BU/N.
Any ideas what could solve that problem?
My scanner has a Caps Lock setting.
Caps Lock Off
Caps Lock On
With "Auto","Off","On" the scanner works fine with FMX. With "Alt+Keypad" the scan fails in FMX.