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worker inside define module is uploaded using absolute path instead of a relative, why?

I have the following module:

define('jsViz',['require','jquery'],function (require) {
    var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"),
        src = scripts[scripts.length-1].src,
        dotWorker = new Worker("/JSViz/main.js?v=2");

scripts[scripts.length-1].src returns domain/dist/js/index.js which is the URL of currently executing script. Worker constructor accepts relative path to the currently executing script, so when I specify /JSViz/main.js I assume the script will be loaded from domain/dist/js/JSViz/main.js, however the browser tries to load script from domain/JSViz/main.js. Why so?

PS. The module definition is from r.js optimization output that's why the module is named.


  • According to

    When the Worker(scriptURL) constructor is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

    Resolve the scriptURL argument relative to the entry script's base URL, when the method is invoked.