So I'm using UnitOfWork to save object to a Database.. This work perfectly. However, when I try to edit the object and save it again, no changes are written to the Database.
Here is the snippet used for saving:
this.uow = new UnitOfWork();
this.job = new Job(uow);
using (UnitOfWork u = new UnitOfWork())
job.Truck = cboTrucks.SelectedItem.ToString();
job.Driver = cboDriver.SelectedItem.ToString();
job.Load = txtLoad.Text;
job.Comment = txtComment.Text;
job.FileOk = chkFile.Checked;
job.Notified = chkNotified.Checked;
job.JobDate = dteJobDate.DateTime;
I finally got it working this is what I changed:
this.uow = new UnitOfWork();
this.job = new Job(uow);
this.uow = new UnitOfWork();
this.job = new XPQuery<TIS.Model.Internal.Job>(uow).Where(q => q.Id == job.Id).FirstOrDefault();