I am trying to implement a if else condition in angular controller.I have taken a dropdown and on its index change i am binding my another drop down.I have tried ng-if too but it will hide the whole dropdown where i want the dropdown visible .Here is my html code:-
<div data-ng-app="CustomerNew" data-ng-controller="CreateCustomerCtrl as custom" ng-init="getFormData();">
<table style="width: 144% ! important;" class="TableStyle1" id="Table1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Billing Type:</td>
<select id="listBillingType" ng-change="listBillingTypeselectedindexchange(custom.listBillingType)" data-ng-options="blngtype as blngtypee for (blngtype,blngtypee) in listBillingType" data-ng-model="custom.listBillingType" style="width: 182px !important; height: 34px;">
<option value="">Choose an option {{optional ? '(optional)' : ''}}</option>
Another Dropdown which i am trying to populate on the basis of above dropdown index.
<td nowrap style="height: 26px">Parent Account:</td>
<td style="height: 26px">
<select id="listParentAccount" data-ng-options="prntact as prntact.AccountNumber +' - '+ prntact.FullName for prntact in listParentAccount" ng-model="custom.listParentAccount" style="width: 182px !important; height: 34px;">
<option value="">Choose an option {{optional ? '(optional)' : ''}}</option>
Here is my Controller
module CustomerNew.controllers {
export class CreateCustomerCtrl {
static $inject = ['$scope', '$http', '$templateCache'];
constructor(protected $scope: ICustomerScope,
protected $http: ng.IHttpService,
protected $templateCache: ng.ITemplateCacheService) {
$scope.listBillingTypeselectedindexchange = this.listBillingTypeselectedindexchange;
public listBillingTypeselectedindexchange = (index) = > {
var indexvalue = {
BillingTypesindex: index
if (index === "3" || index === "4" || index === "5") this.$http.put(dolistsalesindex, indexvalue).
success((data, status, headers, config) = > {
this.$scope.listParentAccount = data["listParentAccount"];
error((data, status) = > {
console.log("In Error:-in index");
Here i want if selected index value is 3,4,5 than only it will go to my api else will return blank.
I have Solved this problem in the below manner or by makling chnage in my typescript or angular controller.But still have a confusion as how to rest a dropdwon on ng-change.
public listBillingTypeselectedindexchange = (index) => {
var indexvalue = {
BillingTypesindex: index
if (index === "3" || index === "4" || index === "5") {
this.$http.put(dolistsalesindex, indexvalue).
success((data, status, headers, config) => {
this.$scope.listParentAccount = data["listParentAccount"];
error((data, status) => {
console.log("In Error:-in index");