I'm having an issue in the syntax file I'm using where it's highlighting method calls after parenthesis as if they were types/classes.
I've found the line responsible:
syn match csClass contained /\<[A-Z][a-z]\w\+/ nextgroup=csGeneric
proof being if I remove csClass
from this group, I don't get highlighting on the highlighted methods in the picture:
syn region csEnclosed start="(" end=")" contains=csConstant, csType, csString, csVerbatimString, csCharacter, csNumber, csIface, csClass
Here's the full cs.vim
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Microsoft C#
" Maintainer: Kian Ryan (kian@orangetentacle.co.uk)
" Former Maintainer: Anduin Withers (awithers@anduin.com)
" Filenames: *.cs
" [1] ECMA TC39: C# Language Specification (WD13Oct01.doc)
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cs_cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" type
syn keyword csType bool byte char decimal double float int long object sbyte short string uint ulong ushort void var dynamic
" storage
syn keyword csTypeDecleration class enum struct nextgroup=csClass skipwhite
syn keyword csStorage delegate interface namespace struct
syn keyword csInterfaceDecleration interface nextgroup=csIface skipwhite
" repeat / condition / label
syn keyword csRepeat break continue do for foreach goto return while
syn keyword csConditional else if switch
syn keyword csLabel case default
" :: is usually an error in C#, except for the special case of "global::"
syn match csOperatorError display +::+
syn match csGlobal display +global::+
" user labels (see [1] 8.6 Statements)
syn match csLabel display +^\s*\I\i*\s*:\([^:]\)\@=+
" modifier
syn keyword csModifier abstract const extern internal override private protected public readonly sealed static virtual volatile nextgroup=CsClass,CsIface skipwhite
" constant
syn keyword csConstant false null true
" exception
syn keyword csException try catch finally throw
syn keyword csUnspecifiedStatement as base checked event fixed in is lock operator out params ref sizeof stackalloc this unchecked unsafe using
syn keyword csUnsupportedStatement add remove value
syn keyword csUnspecifiedKeyword explicit implicit
syn keyword csTypeOf typeof nextgroup=csEnclosed
" Linq Keywords
"syn keyword csLinq from where select group into orderby join let in on equals by ascending descending
" Async Keywords
syn keyword csAsync async await
" Contextual Keywords
syn match csContextualStatement /\<yield[[:space:]\n]\+\(return\|break\)/me=s+5
syn match csContextualStatement /\<partial[[:space:]\n]\+\(class\|struct\|interface\)/me=s+7
syn match csContextualStatement /\<\(get\|set\);/me=s+3
syn match csContextualStatement /\<\(get\|set\)[[:space:]\n]*{/me=s+3
syn match csContextualStatement /\<where\>[^:]\+:/me=s+5
"New Declerations
syn keyword csNewDecleration new nextgroup=csClass skipwhite
"Interface & Class Identifier
syn match csClass contained /\<[A-Z][a-z]\w\+/ nextgroup=csGeneric
syn match csIface contained /\<I[A-Z][a-z]\w\+/ nextgroup=csGeneric
" syn region csGeneric start="<" end=">" contains=csIface,csClass
syn region csEnclosed start="(" end=")" contains=csConstant,csType,csString, csVerbatimString, csCharacter, csNumber,csIface,csClass
"syn region csInherits start=":" end="{" contains=csIface,csClass
" Attributes
syn region csAttribute start="^\s*\[" end="\]\s*" contains=csString, csVerbatimString, csCharacter, csNumber, csType
" Comments
" PROVIDES: @csCommentHook
" TODO: include strings ?
syn keyword csTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
syn region csComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
syn match csComment "//.*$" contains=@csCommentHook,csTodo,@Spell
" xml markup inside '///' comments
syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlCdataHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn cluster xmlStartTagHook add=csXmlCommentLeader
syn keyword csXmlTag contained Libraries Packages Types Excluded ExcludedTypeName ExcludedLibraryName
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ExcludedBucketName TypeExcluded Type TypeKind TypeSignature AssemblyInfo
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AssemblyName AssemblyPublicKey AssemblyVersion AssemblyCulture Base
syn keyword csXmlTag contained BaseTypeName Interfaces Interface InterfaceName Attributes Attribute
syn keyword csXmlTag contained AttributeName Members Member MemberSignature MemberType MemberValue
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ReturnValue ReturnType Parameters Parameter MemberOfPackage
syn keyword csXmlTag contained ThreadingSafetyStatement Docs devdoc example overload remarks returns summary
syn keyword csXmlTag contained threadsafe value internalonly nodoc exception param permission platnote
syn keyword csXmlTag contained seealso b c i pre sub sup block code note paramref see subscript superscript
syn keyword csXmlTag contained list listheader item term description altcompliant altmember
syn cluster xmlTagHook add=csXmlTag
syn match csXmlCommentLeader +\/\/\/+ contained
syn match csXmlComment +\/\/\/.*$+ contains=csXmlCommentLeader,@csXml,@Spell
syntax include @csXml syntax/xml.vim
hi def link xmlRegion Comment
" [1] 9.5 Pre-processing directives
syn region csPreCondit
\ start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\|if\|elif\|else\|endif\|line\|error\|warning\)"
\ skip="\\$" end="$" contains=csComment keepend
syn region csRegion matchgroup=csPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*region.*$"
\ end="^\s*#\s*endregion" transparent fold contains=TOP
syn region csFold start="{" end="}" transparent fold
" Strings and constants
syn match csSpecialError contained "\\."
syn match csSpecialCharError contained "[^']"
" [1] Character literals
syn match csSpecialChar contained +\\["\\'0abfnrtvx]+
" unicode characters
syn match csUnicodeNumber +\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\)+ contained contains=csUnicodeSpecifier
syn match csUnicodeSpecifier +\\[uU]+ contained
syn region csVerbatimString start=+@"+ end=+"+ skip=+""+ contains=csVerbatimSpec,@Spell
syn match csVerbatimSpec +@"+he=s+1 contained
syn region csString start=+"+ end=+"+ end=+$+ contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialError,csUnicodeNumber,@Spell
syn match csCharacter "'[^']*'" contains=csSpecialChar,csSpecialCharError
syn match csCharacter "'\\''" contains=csSpecialChar
syn match csCharacter "'[^\\]'"
syn match csNumber "\<\(0[0-7]*\|0[xX]\x\+\|\d\+\)[lL]\=\>"
syn match csNumber "\(\<\d\+\.\d*\|\.\d\+\)\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\="
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+[eE][-+]\=\d\+[fFdD]\=\>"
syn match csNumber "\<\d\+\([eE][-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fFdD]\>"
" The default highlighting.
hi def link csType Type
hi def link csTypeDecleration StorageClass
hi def link csInterfaceDecleration StorageClass
hi def link csNewDecleration StorageClass
hi def link csStorage StorageClass
hi def link csRepeat Repeat
hi def link csConditional Conditional
hi def link csLabel Label
hi def link csModifier StorageClass
hi def link csConstant Constant
hi def link csException Exception
hi def link csUnspecifiedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnsupportedStatement Statement
hi def link csUnspecifiedKeyword Keyword
"hi def link csLinq Keyword
hi def link csAsync Keyword
hi def link csContextualStatement Statement
hi def link csOperatorError Error
hi def link csAttribute PreProc
hi def link csIface Type
hi def link csClass Type
hi def link csTodo Todo
hi def link csComment Comment
hi def link csSpecialError Error
hi def link csSpecialCharError Error
hi def link csString String
hi def link csVerbatimString String
hi def link csVerbatimSpec SpecialChar
hi def link csPreCondit PreCondit
hi def link csCharacter Character
hi def link csSpecialChar SpecialChar
hi def link csNumber Number
hi def link csUnicodeNumber SpecialChar
hi def link csUnicodeSpecifier SpecialChar
hi def link csTypeOf Keyword
" xml markup
hi def link csXmlCommentLeader Comment
hi def link csXmlComment Comment
hi def link csXmlTag Statement
let b:current_syntax = "cs"
let &cpo = s:cs_cpo_save
unlet s:cs_cpo_save
I figured if I could go to the csClass
match and try to tell it that it shouldn't start with a dot '.' it should fix it, right? But I'm not familiar with vim's regex (I use regular regex). I tried this:
syn match csClass contained /^[^\.]\<[A-Z][a-z]\w\+/ nextgroup=csGeneric
Intention is to negate .
(shouldn't start with .
) but it didn't work, it disabled all class highlighting.
What is the right way to achieve this?
Help is much appreciated!
You can use
Since this string can appear anywhere on a line, we do not need the ^
start-of-string anchor.
The negated character class [^.]
matches any character but a literal dot (no need escaping inside a character class).
So, the whole regex means:
- any character but a literal dot\<
- starting word boundary (note the VIM style regex)[A-Z]
- 1 English uppercase letter[a-z]
- 1 English lowercase letter\w\+
- 1 or more alphanumeric characters (note VIM-style escaped quantifier:
matches 1 or more of the preceding characters...
As per @lcd047's comment, you can use \zs
as a look-behind substitute:
From the VIM Wiki:
Matches at any position, and sets the start of the match there: The next char is the first char of the whole match. ...
matches an "if" at the start of a line, ignoring white space.
Can be used multiple times, the last one encountered in a matching branch is used.