I ran the code before adding the CounterOne
variable and it ran fine.
But after adding the CounterOne
variable the compiler starts giving me below error.
"local variable 'CounterOne' referenced before assignment"
CounterOne = 0.00
def AAPILoad():
return 0
def AAPIInit():
return 0
def AAPIManage(time, timeSta, timeTrans, acycle):
AKIPrintString( "AAPIManage" )
xy = doSomething() #Read Number of Sections
for i in range (xy):
id = getID(i) #Read the identifier of a section
if (id==331):
xyz = DoCal(id,True) #Read the number of vehicles in a section
for j in range (xyz):
if (0<=distanceFromTrafficLight<=300):
if ( condition == False) :
do calculations
else :
print ("Condition failed")
if ( Condition): #Cruising
Calval = 0.233+2*someValue
CounterOne = CounterOne + Calval
return 0
Is not a global variable, that is why the error is thrown.
You can either make it global, which is not recommended
, or pass the CounterOne
value to the function.
For global method:
def AAPIManage(time, timeSta, timeTrans, acycle):
global CounterOne
AKIPrintString( "AAPIManage" )
For function method :
def AAPIManage(time, timeSta, timeTrans, acycle,CounterOne):
AND RETURN CounterOne instead of zero