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Updating packages with yum-cron through ebextensions?

I'm currently trying to install a package on an Amazon Linux EC2 server. I am trying to use an ebextensions file to set yum-cron to look for package updates daily, but I'm fairly confident that I'm not doing it correctly.

Here's the code in my .config file:

  command: yum -y update

  command: yum -y install clamav clamd

  command: yum -y install yum-cron

  command: yum -y install gedit

  command: -c "gedit /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf"

  command: apply_updates = yes

Unless I'm missing something, steps 4 through 6 are not going to work without the user (me) running them. Basically, what I'm wondering, is if anyone knows how I can do what I'm trying to do, but within my .config file.

Thanks so much! -Matt


  • You need to change your script so the first line reads container_commands.

    Here's an example I deploy with our builds:

    container_commands: yum_update: command: yum update -y ignoreErrors: true install_mysql: command: yum install -y mysql install_mlocate: command: yum install -y mlocate ignoreErrors: true update_db: command: updatedb ignoreErrors: true install_expect: command: yum install -y expect

    See also this example snippet from the AWS docs

    container_commands: collectstatic: command: " collectstatic --noinput" 01syncdb: command: " syncdb --noinput" leader_only: true 02migrate: command: " migrate" leader_only: true 99customize: command: "scripts/"