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Comparing file size with existing value

I want to check filename and its associated filesize with the help of a foreach loop. So I have the below 2 string arrays containing file name and file size:

string[] file_name = {
string[] file_size = {
    "17662", //file1.dll size
    "19019" //file2.dll size

And with below foreach loops I am checking the file and size are matching

foreach (string filename in file_name)
            foreach (string filesize in file_size)
                if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\dll\\" + filename))
                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\dll\\" + filename);
                    string s1 = f.Length.ToString();
                    if (s1 != filesize)
                        MessageBox.Show(f.Name + "modified DLL file, please change it to original");

But it always shows the message, I don't know where is the error.


  • Suggest you to use generic dictionary.

            //Create a dictionary that holds the file name with it's size
            Dictionary<string, long> FileNameAndSizes = new Dictionary<string, long>();
            //Key of dictionary will contain file name
            //Value of dictionary will contain file size
            FileNameAndSizes.Add("file1.dll", 17662);
            FileNameAndSizes.Add("file2.dll", 19019);
            //Iterate through the dictionary
            foreach (var item in FileNameAndSizes)
                //Look for file existance
                if (File.Exists(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\dll\\" + item.Key))
                    FileInfo f = new FileInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\dll\\" + item.Key);
                    var s1 = f.Length;
                    //Compare the current file size with stored size
                    if (s1 != item.Value)
                        MessageBox.Show(f.Name + "modified DLL file, please change it to original");