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how to grep unique duplicate records on base of column with count in solaris

I want to grep logs for exceptions and identify unique with their counts

Following is sample input

[msisdn:123][trxId:1234] | subscriptions | java.lang.Exception: this msidn NOT found
[msisdn:432][trxId:1212] | subscriptions | java.lang.Exception: this msidn NOT found
[msisdn:232][trxId:3232] | subscriptions | java.lang.Exception: this msidn NOT found

I used following and it shows duplicate with count

grep -i exception my.log| cut -d'|' -f2- | uniq –c

its shows results as expected, but i loose first part which contain msisdn and trxid, then i used following

grep -i exception my.log | sort -u  -k 2,3 -t'|' 

it shows unique results with sample line and on base of that sample line which contained msisdn and trxid I can troubleshoot.

Now how I can get count with my last command used?


  • This should work:

    grep -i exception my.log | sort -k 2,3 -t'|' | uniq -c -f 1


          3 [msisdn:123][trxId:1234] | subscriptions | java.lang.Exception: this msidn NOT found