I am writing an app, which it will have form for configuration.
Under configuration I have different buttons what to do with configuration:
Load - load configuration from file (csv, xml,...) and update app form to configuration; Save - save configuration from actual app form to file (csv, xml,...) Set configuration - save until config form for configuration App default configuration - when app open, default configuration will be set up
So because I have 5 different configuration but in the same format, where is god to save it or where to load temporary data?
Is better to use Singleton Pattern or write to some file?
Entire app is written in C#, WPF, MVVM. I want just to save context of checkboxes (true,false) and textbox context.
There are many possibilities:
User specific data, in a file: Application.UserAppDataPath Property
User specific data in Registry: Application.UserAppDataRegistry Property
Furthermore there are all standard paths in the environment: Environment.SpecialFolder Enumeration, see CommonApplicationData
and ApplicationData