I am trying to decode a APK file, here I have successfully decoded java/Class files
But I need AndroidManifest and Layout.XML files
when I tried with ApkTool its working for all other APK. Except My APK which I need to Decode...
I am getting all SMALI files..But I need XML files,
I used APKTool, SuperAPKtool etc,..But no result except SMALL files..
What could be the problem.. How to View XML files
How ever I can see XML file name when I open APK with WINRAR.. But I want to view the XML content..
Please Suggest me of this kind...
I use AxmlPrinter to decode xml files from apk,You can download the jar from here,To decode your xml in your terminal run the following command
java -jar ./AXMLPrinter2.jar Filename.xml >Filename.txt
An example of decoding your manifest will look like
java -jar ./AXMLPrinter2.jar AndroidManifest.xml >AndroidManifest.txt
Hope this helps