I have a hash reference that contains nested key/value pairs, hash references and/or array references.
I'd like to emulate the result of Data::Dumper into a string, but with:
For example:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $hash_ref = {
'private' => {
'locked' => 'FALSE',
'allowedAuth' => 'Digest'
'profile' => 'Default',
'id' => '123456',
'privacy' => 'FALSE',
'public' => [
'allowed' => 'FALSE',
'configured' => {
'profileId' => 'hello world'
'isDefault' => 'TRUE',
'maxSessions' => '3'
'isDefault' => 'FALSE',
'privateId' => 'foo@bar.com',
'maxSessions' => '3',
'allowed' => 'FALSE',
'implicit' => '1',
'indicator' => 'FALSE'
print STDERR Dumper ($hash_ref);
Ideally, I'd like the output to be:
my $str = "id=>'123456',indicator=>'FALSE',profile=>'Default',privacy=>'FALSE',private=>{allowedAuth=>'Digest',locked=>'FALSE'},public=>[{allowed=>'FALSE',configured=>{profileId=>'hello world'},isDefault=>'TRUE',maxSessions=>'3'},{allowed=>'FALSE',implicit=>'1',isDefault=>'FALSE',maxSessions=>'3',privateId=>'foo@bar.com'}]";
I've attempted a recursive function; however, I'm not sure how to get rid of the commas at the end (especially of hash references - for array ref I can use an index and check if it's the last one). Also, sorting keys seems too difficult.
sub recHash
my ($hash_ref) = @_;
my $response = "";
for my $k (keys %$hash_ref) {
my $v = $hash_ref->{$k};
if (ref($v) eq "HASH") {
$response .= "$k=>{" . recHash($v) . "}"; # recurse through the hash references.
elsif (ref($v) eq "ARRAY") {
$response .= "$k=>[";
# recurse through the array references.
foreach my $item (@$v) {
$response .= "{".recHash($item)."},";
$response .= "],";
return $response;
else {
$response .= "$k=>'$v',";
return $response;
print recHash($hash_ref);
My output is (which I think is flawed when I keep running it):
private=>{allowedAuth=>'Digest',locked=>'FALSE',}profile=>'Default',id=>'123456',indicator=>'FALSE',privacy=>'FALSE',public=>[{configured=>{profileId=>'hello world',}maxSessions=>'3',allowed=>'FALSE',isDefault=>'TRUE',},{allowed=>'FALSE',maxSessions=>'3',implicit=>'1',privateId=>'foo@bar.com',isDefault=>'FALSE',},],
Out-of-the-box $Data::Dumper::Indent
and $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys
values will get you most of the way there.
use Data::Dumper;
my $hash_ref = { ... };
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = sub {
my ($hash) = @_;
my %refval = ('' => -3, 'HASH' => -2, 'ARRAY' => -1);
return [ sort {
# prefer ref(val) "" to "HASH" to "ARRAY" to anything else
$refval{ref $hash->{$a}} <=> $refval{ref $hash->{$b}}
# and then sort lexicographically
|| $a cmp $b
} keys %$hash ];
my $rec_hash = Dumper($hash_ref);
$rec_hash =~ s/'(\w+)' => /$1=>/g;
$rec_hash =~ s/^\$VAR1 = //;
print $rec_hash;
{profileId=>'hello world'}},allowed=>'FALSE',implicit=>'1',