I am using vlc player to transcode multicast stream and then showing using HTML5 video tag. Video is playing there but i unable to get any sound.
VLC command:
vlc udp://@ --sout=#transcode{vcodec=theo,vb=1024,channels=1,ab=128,samplerate=44100,width=320}:http{dst=:8080/webcam.ogg}
here is the html:
<video autoplay="autoplay" width="500px" preload="metadata" controls> <source src=""/><source src=""/></video>
However same stream ( is playing with proper sound in vlc player. Can someone suggest me where is the problem.
You are not specifying an audio codec in your transcoding string, here are some examples (originally taken from some demo code in the VLC sources):
Which particular one you need is up to you and your requirements.