For an eye tracking study i need the positions of each word in a text drawn to the window. I can see how I can get the bounding box of the whole text as a return value using
[nx, ny, textbounds] = DrawFormattedText(win, tstring)
Is there a better way than drawing a whole sentence using this function word by word?
Something like this should do it:
teststr = {'Hello World!' ; 'How are you doing?'}
ystart = 100
xstart = 200
wordgap = 10
for i=1:size(teststr,1)
wordlist = strsplit(str , ' ');
for j=1:size(wordlist)(1)
[nx, ny, textbounds]=DrawFormattedText(win, wordlist{j} ,xstart, ystart);
poslist{j} = textbounds;
Not pretty, but it works. You will get problems if you have linebreaks.
EDIT: 2015-07-14: added wordgap suggestion from