Search code examples

Access Query for Ranking/Assigning Priority Values

I am doing data conversion from a previous system that was keyed in without validation rules. I am working with a table of Emergency Contacts, and trying to assign a primary contact with (Y/N) when the field is blank or duplicated (i.e. someone puts Y or N for multiple contacts I want to arbitrarily assign primary). I will also assign a new column with an alphabetic sequence (a, b, c, etc.) based on the priority which was designated in the other column.

Every ID must only have 1 Priority 'Y'.

Current Table:

|   id   |  fname  | pri_cont |
| 001000 | Rox     | Y        |
| 001000 | Dan     | N        |
| 001002 | May     | Y        |
| 001007 | Lee     | Y        |
| 001007 | Clive   | Y        |
| 001008 | Max     | Y        |
| 001008 | Kim     | N        |
| 001013 | Sam     | Y        |
| 001013 | Ann     |          |
| 001014 | Nat     | Y        |
| 001018 | Bruce   | Y        |
| 001018 | Mel     |          |
| 001020 | Wilson  | Y        |
| 001022 | Goi     | Y        |
| 001022 | Adele   | N        |
| 001022 | Gary    | N        |

What I want:

|   id   |  fname  | pri_cont | priority |
| 001000 | Rox     | Y        | a        |
| 001000 | Dan     | N        | b        |
| 001002 | May     | Y        | a        |
| 001007 | Lee     | Y        | a        |
| 001007 | Clive   | N        | b        |
| 001008 | Max     | Y        | a        |
| 001008 | Kim     | N        | b        |
| 001013 | Sam     | Y        | a        |
| 001013 | Ann     | N        | b        |
| 001014 | Nat     | Y        | a        |
| 001018 | Bruce   | Y        | a        |
| 001018 | Mel     | N        | b        |
| 001020 | Wilson  | Y        | a        |
| 001022 | Goi     | Y        | a        |
| 001022 | Adele   | N        | b        |
| 001022 | Gary    | N        | c        |

How can I do that?


  • Well, as I see it your cleanup requires several queries (please note queries assume Emergency Contacts table has a unique autonumber, dbID):

    One Select Query to count Y and N instances. Also, query can calculate Priority column using the Chr ASCII conversion of numbers to letters.:

    SELECT t1.ID, t1.fname, t1.pri_cont, 
         (SELECT Count(*) 
          FROM EmergContacts t2 
          WHERE t1.dbID >= t2.dbID AND t1.ID = t2.ID 
            AND t1.pri_cont = t2.pri_cont AND t1.pri_cont = 'Y') AS YCount, 
         (SELECT Count(*) 
          FROM EmergContacts t3 
          WHERE t1.dbID >= t3.dbID AND t1.ID = t3.ID 
            AND t1.pri_cont = t3.pri_cont AND t1.pri_cont = 'N') AS NCount,
         (SELECT Chr(Count(t2.ID) + 96) 
          FROM EmergContacts t2 
          WHERE t1.dbID >= t2.dbID AND t1.ID = t2.ID) AS Priority
    FROM EmergContacts AS t1;

    With output such as below:

    ID   |  fname    |  pri_cont |  YCount | NCount | Priority
    1000 |  Rox      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1000 |  Dan      |  N        |  0      | 1      | b
    1002 |  May      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1007 |  Lee      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1007 |  Clive    |  Y        |  2      | 1      | b
    1008 |  Max      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1008 |  Kim      |  N        |  0      | 1      | b
    1013 |  Sam      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1013 |  Ann      |           |  0      | 1      | b
    1014 |  Nat      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1018 |  Bruce    |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1018 |  Mel      |           |  0      | 1      | b
    1020 |  Wilson   |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1022 |  Goi      |  Y        |  1      | 0      | a
    1022 |  Adele    |  N        |  0      | 1      | b
    1022 |  Gary     |  N        |  0      | 2      | c

    From there you run three update queries:

    To clean up Nulls:

    UPDATE EmergContacts 
    SET pri_cont = 'N'
    WHERE pri_cont Is Null;

    To clean up IDs with more than 1 Ys:

    UPDATE EmergContacts 
    SET pri_cont = 'N'
    WHERE ID IN (SELECT ID FROM EmergContPrCount WHERE YCount > 1)
      AND fName IN (SELECT fName FROM EmergContPrCount WHERE YCount > 1);

    And to clean up IDs with no Ys:

    UPDATE EmergContacts 
    SET pri_cont = 'Y'
    WHERE (ID IN (SELECT ID FROM EmergContPrCount WHERE YCount = 0)
      AND fName IN (SELECT Max(fName) FROM EmergContPrCount WHERE YCount = 0));