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How do I get the name of a key in PyWin32 giving its keycode?

I'm reading the PyWin32 docs, and for some reason, the GetKeyNameText function is not there. It's not possible to return the name using GetKeyState or GetKeyboardState because, obviously, they return only the state. So, why GetKeyNameText is not there, and how can I get the name of a key giving its keycode (From 0 to 256)??


import win32api

if __name__ == "__main__":

    while True:
        for key in range(256):
            if int(win32api.GetKeyState(key)):
                print(win32api.GetKeyNameText(key)) # Not available in PyWin32.


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 32, in <module>
    print(win32api.GetKeyNameText(key)) # Not available in Python.
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'GetKeyNameText'
Press any key to continue . . .


  • For the keys, you would most probably need to create a dictionary of VK_CODE to the keys, The virtual key codes are present here , Example -

    VK_CODE = {8: 'backspace',
     9: 'tab',
     12: 'clear',
     13: 'enter',
     16: 'shift',
     17: 'ctrl',
     18: 'alt',
     19: 'pause',
     20: 'caps_lock',
     27: 'esc',
     32: 'spacebar',
     33: 'page_up',
     34: 'page_down',
     35: 'end',
     36: 'home',
     37: 'left_arrow',
     38: 'up_arrow',
     39: 'right_arrow',
     40: 'down_arrow',
     41: 'select',
     42: 'print',
     43: 'execute',
     44: 'print_screen',
     45: 'ins',
     46: 'del',
     47: 'help',
     48: '0',
     49: '1',
     50: '2',
     51: '3',
     52: '4',
     53: '5',
     54: '6',
     55: '7',
     56: '8',
     57: '9',
     65: 'a',
     66: 'b',
     67: 'c',
     68: 'd',
     69: 'e',
     70: 'f',
     71: 'g',
     72: 'h',
     73: 'i',
     74: 'j',
     75: 'k',
     76: 'l',
     77: 'm',
     78: 'n',
     79: 'o',
     80: 'p',
     81: 'q',
     82: 'r',
     83: 's',
     84: 't',
     85: 'u',
     86: 'v',
     87: 'w',
     88: 'x',
     89: 'y',
     90: 'z',
     96: 'numpad_0',
     97: 'numpad_1',
     98: 'numpad_2',
     99: 'numpad_3',
     100: 'numpad_4',
     101: 'numpad_5',
     102: 'numpad_6',
     103: 'numpad_7',
     104: 'numpad_8',
     105: 'numpad_9',
     106: 'multiply_key',
     107: 'add_key',
     108: 'separator_key',
     109: 'subtract_key',
     110: 'decimal_key',
     111: 'divide_key',
     112: 'F1',
     113: 'F2',
     114: 'F3',
     115: 'F4',
     116: 'F5',
     117: 'F6',
     118: 'F7',
     119: 'F8',
     120: 'F9',
     121: 'F10',
     122: 'F11',
     123: 'F12',
     124: 'F13',
     125: 'F14',
     126: 'F15',
     127: 'F16',
     128: 'F17',
     129: 'F18',
     130: 'F19',
     131: 'F20',
     132: 'F21',
     133: 'F22',
     134: 'F23',
     135: 'F24',
     144: 'num_lock',
     145: 'scroll_lock',
     160: 'left_shift',
     161: 'right_shift ',
     162: 'left_control',
     163: 'right_control',
     164: 'left_menu',
     165: 'right_menu',
     166: 'browser_back',
     167: 'browser_forward',
     168: 'browser_refresh',
     169: 'browser_stop',
     170: 'browser_search',
     171: 'browser_favorites',
     172: 'browser_start_and_home',
     173: 'volume_mute',
     174: 'volume_Down',
     175: 'volume_up',
     176: 'next_track',
     177: 'previous_track',
     178: 'stop_media',
     179: 'play/pause_media',
     180: 'start_mail',
     181: 'select_media',
     182: 'start_application_1',
     183: 'start_application_2',
     186: ';',
     187: '+',
     188: ',',
     189: '-',
     190: '.',
     191: '/',
     192: '`',
     219: '[',
     220: '\\',
     221: ']',
     222: "'",
     246: 'attn_key',
     247: 'crsel_key',
     248: 'exsel_key',
     250: 'play_key',
     251: 'zoom_key',
     254: 'clear_key'}

    Also, you should check int(win32api.GetKeyState(key)) against -127 , it can be 1 if the key is toggled.