I want to set the value of a constant UInt16
to a hexadecimal value.
I know that the way to set a Swift Character
let myValue: Character = "\u{1820}"
so I tried
let myValue: UInt16 = "\u{1820}"
let myValue: unichar = "\u{1820}"
let myValue: UInt16 = "\u{1820}".utf16
let myValue: unichar = "\u{1820}".utf16
let myValue = "\u{1820}"
but none of these worked.
When searching for the answer, I mostly got SO questions about converting from NSString
or other type.
This is surely a silly question for all you experienced Objective C programmers, but I was having a hard time finding the answer. I finally did find it, though, so I will share my question and answer to hopefully add a few keywords for others who may search for the same question in the future.
If you had read the The Basics of the Swift documentation a little more carefully you would have found it.
Integer literals can be written as:
- A decimal number, with no prefix
- A binary number, with a 0b prefix
- An octal number, with a 0o prefix
- A hexadecimal number, with a 0x prefix
All of these integer literals have a decimal value of 17:
let decimalInteger = 17 let binaryInteger = 0b10001 // 17 in binary notation let octalInteger = 0o21 // 17 in octal notation let hexadecimalInteger = 0x11 // 17 in hexadecimal notation
So you would do
let myValue: UInt16 = 0x1820
let myValue: unichar = 0x1820 // unichar is a type alias of UInt16