I was wondering whether it is possible to use Maven2 to automatically configure a Glassfish 2.1 with JNDI Resources, Datasources and Mail-Sessions for my integration tests.
Also I wonder whether it is possible to create some sort of benchmarks that might then be tracked using continuum or Hudson.
I was wondering whether it is possible to use Maven2 to automatically configure a Glassfish 2.1 with JNDI Resources, Datasources and Mail-Sessions for my integration tests.
I'm not sure Cargo does provide anything to configure Mail-Sessions. And anyway, from what I can see in DataSource+and+Resource+Support, there is no support at all for GlassFish. I'd simply configure the installed container against which you run your integration tests.
Also I wonder whether it is possible to create some sort of benchmarks that might then be tracked using continuum or Hudson.
You could run JMeter performance tests. Hudson has a Performance Plugin allowing to generate a trend graphic report from the results. Also maybe have a look at JChav (seems dormant though).