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Is it possible to "unpack" a dict in one call?

I was looking for a way to "unpack" a dictionary in a generic way and found a relevant question (and answers) which explained various techniques (TL;DR: it is not too elegant).

That question, however, addresses the case where the keys of the dict are not known, the OP anted to have them added to the local namespace automatically.

My problem is possibly simpler: I get a dict from a function and would like to dissecate it on the fly, knowing the keys I will need (I may not need all of them every time). Right now I can only do

def myfunc():
    return {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

x = myfunc()
a = x['a']
my_b_so_that_the_name_differs_from_the_key = x['b']
# I do not need c this time

while I was looking for the equivalent of

def myotherfunc():
    return 1, 2

a, b = myotherfunc()

but for a dict (which is what is returned by my function). I do not want to use the latter solution for several reasons, one of them being that it is not obvious which variable corresponds to which returned element (the first solution has at least the merit of being readable).

Is such operation available?


  • If you really must, you can use an operator.itemgetter() object to extract values for multiple keys as a tuple:

    from operator import itemgetter
    a, b = itemgetter('a', 'b')(myfunc())

    This is still not pretty; I'd prefer the explicit and readable separate lines where you first assign the return value, then extract those values.


    >>> from operator import itemgetter
    >>> def myfunc():
    ...     return {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
    >>> itemgetter('a', 'b')(myfunc())
    (1, 2)
    >>> a, b = itemgetter('a', 'b')(myfunc())
    >>> a
    >>> b