I'll try to be as clear as I can.
I have this struct (and I can't change it because of my teachers) in a file called "esercizio.h":
struct ElemSCL{
int info;
struct ElemSCL* next;
typedef struct ElemSCL NodoSCL;
typedef NodoSCL* TipoSCL;
void accoda(TipoSCL* pscl, int i);
The function "accoda" must add an element (int i) to the end of a circular linked list (pointed by TipoSCL* pscl). I have tried to write the function body in a file called "esercizio.c":
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "esercizio.h"
void accoda(TipoSCL* pscl, int i){
NodoSCL* temp = (NodoSCL*) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
temp->info = i;
temp->next = temp;
if (pscl == NULL){
while ((*pscl)->next != *pscl){
*pscl = (*pscl)->next;}
(*temp)->next = (*pscl)->next; //Problems starts here
(*pscl)->next = *temp;
As I let you notice in my code, everything is ok if I don't add the lasts two rows. If in the function there was not TypeSCL* but NodeSCL* I would use:
temp->next = pscl->next;
pscl->next = temp;}
But my teacher decided to use TypeSCL* pscl instead of NodeSCL* pscl.
I have a "test.h" file...
#include "esercizio.h"
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
char* toString(TipoSCL scl);
... and a "test.c" file, with the main() function and all the inputs which let me check if my code is working:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../libtest/libtest.h"
#include "test.h"
#include "esercizio.h"
const int NTEST=5;
TipoSCL input[5];
int add[5] = {1,2,3,4,5};
TipoSCL expected[5];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
input[0] = NULL;
input[1] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[1] -> info = 1;
input[1] -> next = input[1];
input[2] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[2] -> info = 1;
input[2] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[2] -> next -> info = 2;
input[2] -> next -> next = input[2];
input[3] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[3] -> info = 1;
input[3] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[3] -> next -> info = 2;
input[3] -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[3] -> next -> next -> info = 3;
input[3] -> next -> next -> next = input[3];
input[4] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[4] -> info = 1;
input[4] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[4] -> next -> info = 2;
input[4] -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[4] -> next -> next -> info = 3;
input[4] -> next -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
input[4] -> next -> next -> next -> info = 4;
input[4] -> next -> next -> next -> next = input[4];
expected[0] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[0] -> info = 1;
expected[0] -> next = expected[0];
expected[1] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[1] -> info = 1;
expected[1] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[1] -> next -> info = 2;
expected[1] -> next -> next = expected[1];
expected[2] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[2] -> info = 1;
expected[2] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[2] -> next -> info = 2;
expected[2] -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[2] -> next -> next -> info = 3;
expected[2] -> next -> next -> next = expected[2];
expected[3] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[3] -> info = 1;
expected[3] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[3] -> next -> info = 2;
expected[3] -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[3] -> next -> next -> info = 3;
expected[3] -> next -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[3] -> next -> next -> next -> info = 4;
expected[3] -> next -> next -> next -> next = expected[3];
expected[4] = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[4] -> info = 1;
expected[4] -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[4] -> next -> info = 2;
expected[4] -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[4] -> next -> next -> info = 3;
expected[4] -> next -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[4] -> next -> next -> next -> info = 4;
expected[4] -> next -> next -> next -> next = (TipoSCL) malloc(sizeof(NodoSCL));
expected[4] -> next -> next -> next -> next -> info = 5;
expected[4] -> next -> next -> next -> next -> next = expected[4];
for (int i = 0; i < NTEST; i++) {
printf("Funzione: accoda\n");
printf("Input: %s\n", toString(input[i]));
print_n_success("#Test superati: ");
print_test_result("Percentuale test corretti:");
char* toString(TipoSCL scl){
char* res = (char*) malloc(200*sizeof(char));
res[0] = '[';
res[1] = '\0';
TipoSCL aux = scl;
if (aux != NULL) {
char buf[10];
sprintf(buf,"%d->",aux -> info);
aux = aux -> next;
while(aux != scl);
sprintf(buf,"|%d",aux -> info);
aux = aux -> next;
return res;
What I mean with "everything is ok if I don't add the lasts two rows" to my code? When I run my program (thanks to terminal and cd and make ) without
(*temp)->next = (*pscl)->next; //Problems starts here
(*pscl)->next = *temp;
the test run without problem (but of course, it say me that I have no one right result. But if I add this two rows to my code, I got "Segmentation fault: 11".
Try changing your add function to this ::
void add(TypeSCL* pscl, int i){
NodeSCL* temp = (NodeSCL*) malloc(sizeof(NodeSCL));
temp->info = i;
temp->next = temp;
if (*pscl == NULL){
*pscl = temp;
NodeSCL *tempCheck = *pscl;
while(tempCheck->next != *pscl) {
tempCheck = tempCheck->next;
tempCheck->next = temp;
temp->next = (*pscl);
Things you do wrong ::
You need to realize everything in C is passed by value, so if you pass a pointer, that pointer is also passed by value. So, when you teacher tells you to use TypeSCL* pscl
it means NodeSCL **pscl
, and she is right, because you cannot do it with NodeSCL *pscl
, this might help you understand why I say this :: What is the reason for using a double pointer when adding a node in a linked list?
Further, in your case when pscl == NULL
first it should be *pscl == NULL
you need to set your *pscl
to you new node.
Next, if you want to add a new node at the end, you shall use a while loop, as mentioned by @Neha Chauhan.
Next, the last two statements that you used ::
(*temp)->next = (*pscl)->next;
(*pscl)->next = *temp;
You are setting the next
of your newly added node to the 2nd element of you linked list, which doesn't make any sense.
I have used the variable NodeSCL *tempCheck
to move to the last node of the linked list!
So, the last 2 lines shall look like
tempCheck->next = temp;
temp->next = (*pscl);
Lastly, bro you need to work up on your basics with pointers. (Don't Mind!)
Why your test works without the last 2 lines :: Because, with the code you have written, your linked list is always of size 1, no elements are added after the first element! So, the test runs, but it fails!