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Mesos slave not seen from web ui

I’m building an Ansible recipe to deploy a mesos/marathon cluster (

Once everything is setup, the mesos and marathon ui are up but I have 2 problems:
- from the mesos ui I cannot see any slave registered
- the same ui also indicates "No master is currently leading..."

The setup is the following one:
- 3 mesos master (, 192, 193): each running mesos-master, zookeeper, marathon
- 3 mesos slaves (, 195, 196): each running mesos-slave, docker

Slaves configuration

In each slave:


Masters configuration

On Each master:



/etc/mesos-master/hostname and /etc/mesos-master/ip

Am I missing something in the configuration ?


I rebuilt the whole cluster and corrected a zookeeper configuration (dataDir). Now,
- mesos master interface is working and indicates the master node
- marathon ui is working

On a slave machine, the mesos-slave process stops as soon as I start it.

The mesos-slave log is not very verbose about this problem:

Log file created at: 2015/07/09 15:51:15
Running on machine: vagrant-ubuntu-trusty-64
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0709 15:51:15.487542  8133 logging.cpp:172] INFO level logging started!
I0709 15:51:15.488011  8133 main.cpp:156] Build: 2015-05-05 06:15:50 by root
I0709 15:51:15.488081  8133 main.cpp:158] Version: 0.22.1
I0709 15:51:15.488137  8133 main.cpp:161] Git tag: 0.22.1
I0709 15:51:15.488190  8133 main.cpp:165] Git SHA: d6309f92a7f9af3ab61a878403e3d9c284ea87e0


When I start a slave manually, indicating the zk string, the slave starts correctly:

sudo /usr/sbin/mesos-slave --master=zk://,,

But the "sudo service mesos-slave start" does not enable to start the slave.


I've changed the state from "latest" to "present" in the ansible playbook:

- name: install mesos + zookeeper
  apt: name=mesos state=present

- name: install marathon
  apt: name=marathon state=present

It is fine now, the slaves appears in the activated state in the mesos UI.

Was it due to a version problem ?


  • The slaves can be seen as activated within the mesos UI when I used the "present" state instead of the "latest" state in the Ansible playbook while installing mesos.

    - name: install mesos + zookeeper
      apt: name=mesos state=present
    - name: install marathon
      apt: name=marathon state=present